Quiche n Treats Story

19 August 2023

Like most good stories, this one began over a cuppa.  We needed to raise some much-needed money for our Building Fund and we were tossing around ideas.  A street stall was the first thought, followed by food – because the Uniting Church ladies have a reputation for good cooking!  From memory, this was not too long after another wonderful Flower Show where the tables had been laden with food – which all walked out the door. In those days, we sold Quiche & salad at the Flower show so the thought of quiche on the stall was an obvious idea.  Quiche on a Friday for an easy dinner seemed like a great idea and then of course, a sweet treat to follow was a very easy leap.  We put together some banners, flyers and posters with the blessings of the wonderful Denise and  Tropical Designs!  They have blessed a few of our endeavours and we are very grateful, now and always.

We baked up a frenzy, set up our stall and – sold out!  Our banners said 3:30 till 5:30 but we were sold out by 4:15.  We were left thinking, “Oh my goodness…”  We packed up and went home in a bit of a blur but we returned next month.  More bakers from the congregation were encouraged, we shared our recipes in Pews News and from there, we were away.  On the last Friday of the month, from March to July, we bake up a frenzy and stand on the street to sell our freshly baked wares.  It’s fun, and social and we’ve raised some much-needed money along the way to support the building fund and other community needs.  We now have regulars as well; there are faces who wait for us each month and look forward to their Quiche nights.

We have been there in all weather; shuffling eskies to keep them cool and out of the sun because it was getting too hot to safely leave quiche on the tables. Our last stall for the year was bleak and so cold that we were all rugged up to the nines in big jackets –  ! There have been times with rain pouring down the sides of the marquee, that we have served dripping customers.

Our bakers have worked hard.  They’ve enjoyed a chat and the social time spent under the marquee on Herbert Street, as we chatted with the community and saw how much joy their baking brings to those who have come out in literally all weathers to support us.  At times, we have been blessed by donations from our wonderful, generous supportive community.  A couple of beautiful cooks have supported us along the way by contributing pies, chocolate mice and other wondrous goodies.  This community has shown us in so many ways that they want their church back.  They are supporting us on the journey to rebuild and we are grateful.

Are we done or will we be back on Herbert St next year?  Watch this space!  God bless and dream of Quiche and Treats!